Rock Island Armory 1911 Series



rock island 1911

The Rock Island 1911 is one of the most popular pistols for military and civilian users. With a long history and a clear reputation for reliability, Rock Island has continued to grow in popularity among shooting enthusiasts. Let’s take a closer look at how this gun works and what makes it so special!
This pistol is a semi-automatic pistol that was originally produced by the American manufacturer Rock Island Armory. The pistol was launched in 1911 and has since been very popular with both the military and the civilian population. It has also become a very popular weapon among shooters due to its precision setup. The Rock Island is essentially based on John M. Browning’s classic design for the Colt M1911, but with some improvements. The main improvements are a larger barrel, a larger magazine sleeve and a reinforced frame.
There are different types. Most are .45ACP caliber and have 5″ matched barrels. But there are also long (6″) and short (4″) versions. Rock Island also makes a 9mm/.38 Super edition for IPSC shooting. There is also a “Officer” model with 4″ barrel and shorter grip.

Pros and cons of rock island 1911

Rock Island Armory is a semi-automatic pistol used by many gun owners. This type of gun has several advantages and disadvantages, which we will go over here

The benefits

  • Its caliber (.45 ACP) gives it very good damage on target.
    – It is very easy to clean and maintain.
    – There are many different accessories and customizations that can be made for this type of gun.
    – Most gun enthusiasts love the way this type of weapon looks and functions.

The disadvantages

-Most magazines only hold 8 rounds, which may be a little too short for some situations.
-These pistols are often a bit more expensive.